Do not allow your current situation cause you to accept things the way they are. Although you have found yourself compromising due to the lack of income, being unemployed, illness or getting injured etc. is not your permanent state. Always keep in mind that you would not tolerate insufficiencies had not the conditions in your life changed. Do not allow a temporary state to mold you into it. Do not forget who God called you to be and do not sleep on your purpose. Remember what use to irritate you, Now you have gotten use to it simply because you do not have the resources or the money to change it. We can see things in a state or condition for so long until we get use to it, although we know with the right tools we can change it, but we have compromised. We tend to let things go and leave it as is, because we are either lazy or we do not want to go through the hassle of changing it. You can lose yourself and your identity by compromising and letting it be as is, although you are aware that it is wrong. Keep your integrity and morals and do not let it go. Do not get comfortable in a state or condition or find yourself stuck in what should have been a temporary situation. As soon as you are able to either correct it, or change, do so.
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